Matching Gifts

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Matching Gifts FAQs

Contributions can be made to 24 Foundation. We are a 501c3 EIN 20-3768277 and our address is PO Box 31007, Charlotte NC 28231. Please note the fundraiser that you’d like to support when submitting the request or email Cass Hibbard  confirmation of your contribution to have it entered as a pledge towards fundraising.

Check donations can be made payable to 24 Foundation and mailed to the address below or brought to Packet Pickup. Please write the fundraiser that you are supporting in the memo line of the check.

24 Foundation

PO Box 31007, Charlotte NC 28231.

Requesting a matching gift or volunteer grant is normally a five minute process which must be initiated by the donor/volunteer. You can do this by filling out and submitting a paper match form provided by your employer or through an electronic submission process.

  1. Log into your company’s matching gift submission website (if you use the Double the Donation search tool, you will receive a follow-up email linking to this page).
  2. Once logged in, search for the nonprofit that you donated to.
  3. Select the appropriate nonprofit from the search result. If it is not found, manually enter the organization’s details.
  4. Register the donation.
  5. Submit the completed matching gift request to your employer.
  6. Send your employers confirmation email to

It usually takes 3-4 months for companies to process matching gifts and deliver funds to 24 Foundation. Please send your matching gift confirmation to so that we can credit the match as a pledge towards fundraising while we wait to receive the gift.

We'd be happy to help. Please email Cass Hibbard at so that she can answer your questions.


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