Heather Sackett_headshotTo my 24 Foundation Family,

I was first introduced to 24 Foundation over four years ago as a paid intern trying to gain as much applied experience as I could, while feverishly trying to finish my graduate degree. Little did I know at the time, that 24 Foundation would launch my career and over the next several years welcome me into a community of support that made me question my New England roots and make Charlotte feel like home.

This Friday will mark the end of what I can only describe as truly an extraordinary chapter of my life. It is bittersweet for me to announce that I have accepted the position of Marketing Coordinator at Carolina Foundation Solutions, and will be leaving 24 Foundation this Friday, March 24th.

24 Foundation has been so much more than an 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.  job for me. You all—participants, survivors, volunteers, staff, board— have left a lasting impression on my life. You gave me a voice I never thought I’d have and entrusted me to be the voice of this wonderful organization, sharing our mission of making an immediate impact on the lives of people affected by cancer. My most cherished memories of my time at 24 Foundation was writing my first blog and sharing Vaughn Arthur’s cancer path, riding one-on-one with top fundraisers and board members at Ride for the Roses and of course, giving this organization its new name and look. Throughout all these memories is one common thread – storytelling. I cannot thank you all enough for your transparency, vulnerability and compassion in sharing with me your times of success, defeat and determination. I am forever indebted to you for entrusting me with such sensitive information and allowing me to spread the word to the 24 Foundation family we have created, in turn growing our community of cancer supporters nationally and locally. Both professional and personally, you all have left an empowering mark on my life, and I hope I leave you with a similar impact.

Working at 24 Foundation has been one of the most challenging, rewarding and most importantly FUN experiences of my life. The organization and participants are poised to reach new heights this year and I can’t wait to see you all accomplish, and even surpass your goals. I am so proud to have been a small part of what is truly an amazing vehicle that is changing the course of cancer.

While I will be stepping away professionally, you will still see me on the Booty Loop! I’ll be grinding up Hopedale alongside you [while trying to figure out my gears] and look forward to hearing your stories while on the saddle in a different, more personal environment. With that being said, I might as well do a shameless plug and ask you all to help me kick start my fundraising! Let’s go for Orange Jersey right?!? Also, I am taking bids for team membership for whoever will have me!

If you know someone who may be interested in applying for this role, please share this incredible opportunity with them. Thank you for everything, especially your helping hand on the Booty Loop!

Heather Sackett




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