Stories from a Survivor: Meet Sophia

In her own words: I am Sophia, and I live in Charlotte, NC. My journey began February 24, 2019 with a trip to the emergency room resulting in pancreatitis. I had been ill the week leading up to the visit and was admitted immediately. To my blessing, the ER doctor on call was a GI […]

Stories from a Survivor: Meet Sandra

Please tell us a little bit about your cancer journey.  In 2010 I went three months early for my routine mammogram and got called back for a diagnostic and a biopsy. I was diagnosed with stage 2, ER positive invasive breast cancer. Fast forward five years and two weeks, just before New Year’s Eve 2015: […]

Bring Joy to Children While Saving Local Lives This Holiday Season

By Jenni Walker One of my favorite holiday traditions is participating in Community Blood Center of the Carolinas’ annual Puppies for Patients program. For the past 14 years, blood donors have joined with CBCC to give the priceless gift of life-saving blood while bringing joy to pediatric patients staying in our area hospitals during the […]

#24FacesCancer: JE Dunn

Every participant in a 24 Foundation event is remarkably determined, selfless, dedicated and passionate. Their commitment to fundraise, ride and stride is evidence of just that. But few embody that DNA the way team JE Dunn’s Camila Cox does. Camila was one of the first members of team JE Dunn in 2017 and has been […]

#24FacesCancer: Go Jen Go

In 2007, Jen Pagani had everything going for her. She was an active athlete, a new mom to a 2 year old and 2 month old baby boys, and the wife of Joe; however, an unexpected stage III breast cancer diagnosis changed the Paganis lives. Known as a competitive go-getter, Jen tackled her diagnosis with […]

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