Stories from a Survivor: Meet Sophia
In her own words: I am Sophia, and I live in Charlotte, NC. My journey began February 24, 2019 with a trip to the emergency room resulting in pancreatitis. I had been ill the week leading up to the visit and was admitted immediately. To my blessing, the ER doctor on call was a GI […]
Stories from a Survivor: Meet Sandra
Please tell us a little bit about your cancer journey. In 2010 I went three months early for my routine mammogram and got called back for a diagnostic and a biopsy. I was diagnosed with stage 2, ER positive invasive breast cancer. Fast forward five years and two weeks, just before New Year’s Eve 2015: […]
The UnLooped PreGame
Get ready for a week of PreGame fun before we go UnLooped on July 24th and 25th. Beginning Friday, July 17th, we’ll be rolling out daily activities and challenges for you, your family, and teams to complete while raising funds and getting excited for UnLooped! Each day we’ll include events that challenge you physically (marked […]
Going UnLooped In Your Neighborhood!
Welcome, July! After one of the wildest first halves of a year we’ve all collectively lived through, we’re excited to go UnLooped July 24th and 25th and experience 24 Hours of Booty through your eyes! We’ve compiled some ideas from fellow participants to help you plan your UnLooped weekend. July 24th: Set up your campsite […]
An Entry Point to Talking About Cancer
Since becoming a mom, there have been a lot of things I figured out how to do that I never expected: How to cut a mango for a toddler while holding a newborn, springs to mind. Introducing my girls to difficult subjects – illness, cancer, death – has been much more daunting. This year, all […]