From Prom Dress to Diagnosis: Kathleen Stafford’s Cancer Journey

Kathleen Stafford participated in her first 24 Foundation event in August 2016 after hearing about the event from her father, who had participated the year prior. 24 Foundation became vehicle for Kathleen to give back to after her own cancer fight.  In March 2014 while prom dress shopping, Kathleen’s mother noticed swollen lymph nodes around […]

24 Foundation Expands Team

24 Foundation is continuing to expand its team with two new staff and a new board member. Nanci Bonfield and Lisa Dale join the fundraising and recruitment team. In addition, Rasmus Pedersen has been appointed to the organization’s board of directors. Previously, Bonfield was senior coordinator field development for Autism Speaks. She also served as […]

Day by Day: Drew Slocum

Day by day, hour by hour is the way of life for families affected by cancer. This became the routine for the Slocum family on April 25, 2013 when they heard the words, “diagnosed with leukemia”. Wes and Mandy Slocum’s son Drew was born a happy, healthy 8 pound baby, but at around five and a […]

Emmaline’s New Normal

The Tringali family first heard, “Emmaline has cancer.” in early January 2016 and from there their life became living one day at a time, which including days of being brave for blood transfusions and chemo treatments and living the others for brief moments of smiles and laughter. Fast forward four months later and the Tringali family received the […]

24 Foundation Funds Childhood Cancer Champions Program at Levine Children’s Hospital

24 Foundation proudly announced a $1.5 million commitment to Carolinas Healthcare Foundation in May 2016, of which $300,000 of the funds will be put towards expanding the Childhood Cancer Champions Program at Levine Children’s Hospital (LCH). As a new local beneficiary, 24 Foundation is excited to further its mission to inspire and engage communities to […]

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