#24FacesCancer: Marc Gustafson
Marc Gustafson now sits on the 24 Foundation board, watching the daily operations and strategies of the organization, but for Marc, the mission of 24 hits close to home. Marc was first introduced to 24 Foundation through Charlotte’s 24 Hours of Booty. “Like so many, I had gotten to know Spencer over the years,” he […]
#24FacesCancer – Laura Whittaker
Memories of Laura Whittaker as told by Caroline Arey, 24 Foundation’s Marketing and Communications Coordinator “We all know someone affected by cancer.” It’s a powerful truth at its core, but repeated so often, that the idea of cancer is almost mundane. Inevitable. Until the call comes, and the diagnosis is in, and you hear the […]
#24FacesCancer – Buck Ranson
CrankMafia is one of the bigger teams for 24 Hours of Booty, but that doesn’t mean that smaller participants are ineligible to join. The teams newest, and youngest, member is Buck Ranson, and he could not be more excited to finally hop on his bike to be a part of the event this year instead […]
#24FacesCancer – Bryan McMillan
A common trend with 24 Foundation is that once a person gets involved one time, they seem to become an integrative part of its created community and keep returning to the events for years to come. This can happen in the growth from patient to participant, volunteer to team captain, or fundraiser to board member. […]
Dave Turpin Wins “Go With Cigna” Essay Contest
At 24 Foundation, our mission of inspiring and engaging communities to make an immediate impact on the lives of people affected by cancer is our constant motivation. Longtime rider and last year’s “Go with Cigna” winner, Dave Turpin, is a picture of the impact 24 Foundation makes in the lives of our participants. Last year, […]